dijous, 30 d’octubre del 2014

I want to recommend you  an interesting blog with plenty of articles about how to drive more traffic to local stores using internet tools such as facebook, google +, instagram and so on. I think the ideas are useful both for beginners and experts.I don't have a clue  in marketing strategies so I'm learning a lot and I think you will find some useful suggestions for your projects.


If you speak French, you can read articles in this language too. If you think you're not ready to read neither in English nor in French, you can go to the Spanish version, but you won't be so well-informed. Articles take some time to get translated. Have fun and if you like it, let me know.

1 comentari:

  1. wow, there is a lot of interesting things! It's some hard for me to understand some parts of the blog but it have amazing notices about marketing, sells and buys... Thank you Gisela! I'm going to take a look!
